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Location: Folsom

Day & Time: Wednesday 9:00-11:25

Grade:  Kindergarten (5 years old by Sept. 1)

Mentor: Debbie Lawson



In Kinder Explorers, we are excited to have fun learning and exploring through play-based and hands-on activities. We will engage in art projects that foster creativity, science experiments, and hands-on math activities to develop basic math skills and concepts. We have Storytime every class and sing songs to learn through music. Discovery Time (free-play) is woven into every class, as it is a great way to help students interact cooperatively with their peers and develop social skills. We also have lessons on kindness, being helpful, and other positive character traits. This is a great way to introduce your student to a classroom setting and provide a social and learning environment for them to grow.


All classes are full-year classes. Students enrolled in a Fall Semester class will automatically enroll for Spring Semester in December to ensure their place in the class. Pricing is per semester.

Kinder Explorers.

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